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Interview With Alt-Pop Musician Dela Kay

I recently had a conversation with alt-pop singer-songwriter Dela Kay about her new EP, Falling Into Place, which was released on July 12, 2024.

Press shot for the rising alt-pop singer-songwriter Dela Kay.

What was the creative process behind Falling Into Place?

Dela: It was the first session Stef, Nick and I had together. We kind of went into the writing extremely open without anything particular in mind we wanted to write about. Stef had made some of a track and we started playing off of that with melody passes and soon we started having some of the chorus lyrics coming out naturally. We decided we wanted to fully delve into writing about the struggle of mental health and having hope for the better. It was a real healing experience to be able to pull from my own personal hardships in writing this song. It means so much to me because I want my fans who maybe have gone through similar situations as I have or even just people who struggle with depression like me, to know that they aren’t alone and that it really all does come together when we inspire each other to hold on to hope. I’m super happy this song will finally have a place in the world and hope it helps people heal like it’s helped me. How did you decide on the cover art?

Dela: My friend Jacqueline Day and I got together and I really wanted rain to be a part of the visuals for this song as it’s brought up a lot in the lyrics. I think water is extremely powerful. We rented a rain room and were able to shoot everything there. We had a bunch of amazing photos come out of the shoot but she ended up pulling what is now my artwork, from a still from filming. Something about just sitting in the rain looking up, letting it wash over me felt like it was right for the cover and encompassed the vibe of the song as well as my healing journey. I’m super happy that we were able to get that still and that it’s able to represent this EP and also this wonderful point in my creative journey. What was the songwriting process like for the EP?

Dela: We began writing a year ago and through the process really honed in on my sound. It was so much fun being able to write so many songs and after the fact, go through and select the strongest ones and the ones I felt had a similar feel and vibe, creating my new identity. I feel like all these songs have different sounds yet all hold the same alternative baseline linking them together for the EP. I’m so excited I’ve created this EP and is now a great jumping point into what’s next for myself as an artist. How did you know the EP was finished?

Dela: We knew the EP was finished by the time we had at least 7 songs we were happy with. We actually had more and ended up whittling it down to 7 being the ones we loved the most and felt the most cohesive together. Once those were decided we were able to wrap them up while also focusing on what’s next.

Can you describe Falling Into Place in three words?

Dela: Hopeful, healing, powerful. How did you come up with the title of the EP?

Dela: I felt like once we wrote “Falling Into Place,” it really encompassed this season of my life and my healing journey. I think being able to create this new sound and become new again as an artist really felt like things were literally falling into place for me. The song itself is a powerful one and means so much to me, it really felt like it was only right that it represented this series of new songs. Is there a song on the EP you’re most excited for fans to hear?

Dela: Besides “Falling Into Place,” I’m excited for my fans to hear “Waste My Time”. It was one of the first songs Stef and I wrote together and thought it was such a fun vibe. I really wanted it to make the EP cut and I’m so happy it’s on there. Also excited to hear what my fans think about “Go Slow.” That song was so seamless and simple to write but I love that it has a bedroom pop feel and adds a more pop element to my EP. Hoping that some of my fans who like more of that style of music will enjoy it. Did you face any challenges while creating the EP?

Dela: I think the only challenge was knowing when to stop writing and commit to the 7 songs we ended up choosing! [Laughs]. I think I just want my fans to hear everything I’m doing because as soon as I write a new song it becomes my next favorite. I could end up releasing a huge album instead but it was good we ended up picking the songs that were most appropriate and fit well with this chapter of my life and were the most cohesive. And just makes me that much more excited for what I plan to share after this EP! What was your favorite moment while making the EP?

Dela: I think writing “IDWTAY” was a lot of fun to write. We had so many fun laughs making that one. Also, I think we knew we had something really special when we made “Let You Down” as well as “Falling Into Place”. It’s always so exciting to make something so naturally and reflect on it after thinking “Wow, we did that” [Laughs]. I’m just super proud of everything and hope it connects me even further to my fans. Are you planning on doing any live shows this year?

Dela: I’m currently getting a band together and figuring that out so hopefully you will see me out and about very soon! Cannot wait to play these songs and meet new people!


Listen to Falling Into Place HERE

Follow Dela on her socials: Instagram | TikTok

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