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Album artwork for alt-pop trio Hey Violet's final album, AFTERTASTE.

Hey Violet's impending final album, AFTERTASTE, marks both a culmination and a farewell for the alt-pop trio. Set for release on June 28, 2024, via Hopeless Records, the album comes with the bittersweet news of the band's decision to part ways after nearly a decade-long career. Having formed on February 18, 2015, in their mid-teens, Hey Violet quickly captured the hearts of fans worldwide, toured extensively across the globe, and garnered a significant social media following. Despite the announcement of their permanent hiatus, the band’s final album promises to be a powerful parting gift, showcasing their growth and evolution over the years.

The band’s statement about their split reflects a sense of gratitude and emotional closure: “It’s been a blessing to have been able to exist in this home we all created together for the last nine years... we leave you with lots of love and a body of work that we hope will carry you onto whatever is next for you in your journey. thank you for being a part of Hey Violet’s for almost a decade.”

AFTERTASTE delivers an array of tracks that encapsulate the band’s journey from youthful exuberance to mature introspection. The album opens with "Die of Laughter," a punchy track that balances their signature alt-pop sound with poignant lyrics about finding humour in the face of adversity.

"Uncomplicated" follows, a catchy anthem about seeking simplicity in an increasingly complex world. "Dead To Me" is a standout, with its infectious chorus and raw, honest lyrics about cutting ties with toxic influences. "Best Imposter" delves into themes of identity and self-doubt, wrapped in an upbeat tempo that contrasts the introspective content. "Voices In My Head" and its stripped version later in the album highlight the band's ability to convey vulnerability and resilience through haunting melodies and minimalist instrumentation.

The mid-album track, "Don’t Know Myself," offers a deeper dive into personal introspection, exploring the struggles of self-discovery and acceptance. "I Should Call My Friends" is a heartfelt ode to friendship and the importance of human connections, providing a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

The title track, "Aftertaste," encapsulates the essence of the album – a bittersweet reflection on the past and the lingering emotions that come with saying goodbye. "Trainwreck" and "Hazy" continue this theme, with "Trainwreck" portraying the chaotic journey of life and "Hazy" delivering a mix of acoustic guitars and a dreamy, ethereal sound that leaves listeners in a reflective state.

AFTERTASTE is a fitting conclusion to Hey Violet’s career, capturing the highs and lows, the growth, and the emotional complexity of their journey. Each track resonates with authenticity, showcasing the band's ability to connect with listeners on a deeply personal level. While their parting is undeniably sad for fans, this final album is a testament to their impact and a celebration of their musical legacy. Hey Violet may be saying goodbye, but their music will undoubtedly continue to inspire and resonate with fans for years to come.


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