St. Louis Rapper Big Boss Vette released her EP, RESILIENCE. The EP has a 7-song tracklist. Vette's hit song “Pretty Girls Walk” hit over 35 million streams and became a viral TikTok sensation. She recently collaborated with Metro Boomin for the Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse soundtrack on the song “I Can’t Stop” featuring Omah Lay.

What part of creating RESILIENCE did you enjoy the most?
Big Boss Vette: It had to be the EP shoot, they had food there for me and there were a lot of looks for me to try. I've never done 3 makeup looks before, there was a natural look and then built onto that. She was switching out my looks, making me look like different people. The wig looks were so good, I tried my first updo and I loved it. Just being there, we were there from sun up to almost sundown. Being there with so many amazing people who truly believe in my craft was amazing. It was everything and my most favorite part of creating the EP.
How did you come up with the RESILIENCE artwork cover?
Big Boss Vette: I was battling on this cover so much because I don't want to do something that looks too serious or too playful. We were running around trying to figure out how to pick the artwork and what to put on it. The cover wasn't the first one we picked, there were multiple. That picture in itself stood out to me, it was beautiful and I was like we have to do that one. The words on the back was a letter that I wrote to myself. Last year I was going through a tough time and I was like this can't be what my life and career is going to be like. When I wrote that letter I knew that I was releasing every bit of doubt that I had within myself. I knew Big Boss Vette was going to be big. So putting that letter on the background of my picture I knew it was going to be great. It's very sentimental to me and I wanted to share it.
You recently collabed with Metro Boomin, what was that like?
Big Boss Vette: My label called me and asked me if I wanted to be on the soundtrack and I said, yeah. They sent the beat and I was like this is different, I'm scared but I said let's go I can do this. I went to the studio and cut it the same night and I sent it in, crossing my fingers it would get picked up and it did. It was amazing.
What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five years?
Big Boss Vette: I see myself having a lot of Grammys, acting here and there, becoming a real fashion girl walking in these fashion week shows. I see nothing but big for Big Boss Vette, she's limitless. The sky is not the limit, it's just a new level for me to conquer.
Your single “Pretty Girls Walk” took over social media, how has your life been impacted since the release of the song and seeing many celebrities use your song in their videos?
Big Boss Vette: It was amazing, to be honest, it was hard to contain my emotions. Every 5 seconds I caught myself screaming and saying do y’all see this. Basically, it was getting me known since the song blew up so much people knew my song but didn't know my face. That was another thing I had to stop doing with my music, for my cover arts I would put words and not my face. I realized that's how people put a face to the music so then I started doing it. My life just went up from there. “Pretty Girls Walk'' got me in rooms that my raunchy music could never. There is a cap to raunchy music and there is no cap to commercial music like “Pretty Girls Walk” the moment I learned that we took over.
What is your inspiration that keeps you going?
Big Boss Vette: Negativity. At times I read the comments and I know that you're not supposed to. There's something in my mind that reads the negative comments and transfers it to motivation. While you're on your mom's couch talking about me, I'm at the Grammys or BET Awards, on a Rolling Stone cover. I'm speaking this all into the world but still, I'm doing all this while you're still on the couch. I've developed this world in my mind that everyone loves me and if you don't like me you don't exist there.
What was your writing process like for the EP?
Big Boss Vette: It depends on what type of studio I’m at, sometimes I fly to LA on a writing trip. Where I'll be in a room with producers and we’ll be playing song ideas or beats. Other times I'll be in the studio and start with a beat and try to find one that I really love that jumps out to me. I'll go through 50 until I find one I really love. That process is long and drawn out. I would play the beat back to back for about 15 minutes until I hear a cadence or a bar something to build off of. Once I hear that I keep replaying that section of the song until I finish it. Then I decide if I'm going to make that the hook or a verse. Then the most fun is the ad-libs, messages and the affirmations that I put in there. If I’m feeling down while I'm writing I'll put in a secret message to myself to uplift me every time I hear it. No matter how I'm feeling, I remember that.
What is your favorite song off of your new EP RESILIENCE?
Big Boss Vette: My favorite is “Get it” and it follows up with “Another One.” I want to say “Get it” because that record is bigger than my body. I know that it's huge, I catch myself singing it. It's catchy. I also want to say “Another One” and “Dollas” because that's me showing I can really rap, I can do soft rap, hard rap, R&B, and I may even be able to sing. I can do it all.
Where do you see yourself in the next year?
Big Boss Vette: I see myself doing big things, on my own tour or a big role in a movie or a show, doing fashion or hell even taking a trip to the moon. You never know, Big Boss Vette is big so it’s like okay let's do it.
What message do you want listeners to take away from RESILIENCE?
Big Boss Vette: No matter how bad life gets once you hit rock bottom there's no lower that you can go. It's only up from there. Even if you see me a little sad, if I fumble, trip or with my head down just know once I come back I'll be a bad bitch again. I might cry 10 times but on that 11th it's going to get better. Never think you'll be in the same place as you were six months ago, things can change with a blink of an eye. Stay focused, stay humble, stay nice, and stay resilient.